InnerOptimal offers programs to reduce stress-related cognitive decline

Do you find yourself getting more impatient or frustrated than usual? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed and/or easily distracted? Are your memory and your sleep patterns not what they used to be? These and other changes to your persona and health are not just random events or inexplicable behaviors; they are directly related to brain aging and stress. The ongoing pandemic has also played an oversized part in this negative process. Other symptoms of this brain aging can include:

  • Body:
    • Chronic pain
    • Activities become more and more difficult
    • Slower healing.
  • Brain:
    • You get impatient, cross or frustrated
    • You see things as problems
    • You feel overwhelmed or easily distracted
    • You start to lose your memory
    • You don’t sleep well
    • You see danger everywhere
    • You feel it is “The End of the World” when unexpected events happen.

Just like our bodies, our brains can age and lose flexibility, and this loss of flexibility can affect your body and your brain. We cannot change the events in our life, but with a healthy brain we can more easily change the way we react to them. The key to this resilience and flexibility is called Neuroplasticity. When your brain is “balanced”, you will regain your Neuroplasticity: threats and problems will become easier to deal with and you’ll literally be able to make better decisions that will impact your success in life.

InnerOptimal’s advanced Neurofeedback techniques and brain training programs are customized for each client’s individual needs and are equally effective whether participating in-person or via virtual session. An exciting new offering is Neurofeedback rental equipment that clients can use at home and the professional staff at InnerOptimal regulates and analyzes remotely. Coaching is also included in the individualized programs when needed. InnerOptimal’s programs are not intended to be a medical diagnosis or treatment; their services are a training – like at your gym – except that they work exclusively with your brain!

For more information about their services, please visit