Why should I join The Executives’?

The membership supports each other’s business interests by providing good leads, the fuel that keeps every business enterprise running at full speed. Each member firm is committed to helping other member firms increase their business by providing direct business contacts, referrals and relevant business information. In addition, members receive from their fellow members personal and immediate attention to their needs and requests. Members strive to seek and discover lead opportunities for each other in conversations with business acquaintances, employees, friends and family.

Over the years, a systematic and effective mechanism has been developed for passing along good leads and supporting each of our members. Important relationships are developed between members. This is an opportunity to establish business and personal contacts with executive decision makers from San Diego businesses in a wide variety of professions and industries.

Management by a professional Executive Director and a 9-person Board of Directors creates a stable and well-run organization.

What is the procedure for becoming a member?

Once you contact our administrative offices and have attended a meeting as a guest, you will be invited to submit an application. After that:

  • Applications are reviewed by the Executive Director, our Membership Committee and Board of Directors
  • Credit and background checks are performed
  • Business references are contacted
  • An on-site interview is scheduled and performed at the applicants’ business location
  • The application is presented to the membership for feedback
  • The Board of Directors approves the new member.

How much does membership cost?

The initiation fee is $500 and monthly dues are $230 (which includes all your lunches). If you attend Association special events, these are billed separately based on event cost.

What are my responsibilities as a member?

Involvement is essential. To get the full benefit of membership, attendance at regularly scheduled business meetings is important. We meet each Monday for lunch and a minimum of 50% attendance annually is expected. In addition, you are asked to:

  • Represent your firm with enthusiasm
  • Discover and pursue practical ways of assisting other members
  • Give business information (leads) and act on information received
  • Provide referrals and contacts to other members
  • Pay your dues on time
  • Recommend member firms to your own associates, employees, friends, and family
  • Assist in strengthening the Association by serving as an officer or committee chair when asked
  • Seek out qualified new members in open classifications.

Can other members of my team join The Executives’?

After membership acceptance, members have the opportunity to add an Alternate Executive representative for an additional charge of $230 per month. This person would be a member of the company who is also an owner, executive officer or equivalent senior manager. In addition, members can also add an Associate Executive – often a sales manager or mid-level administrator – for an additional charge of $115 per month.