Mail Management Group Steers a Steady Ship
If It Ain’t Broke…
Mail Management Group Steers a Steady Ship
Mail Management Group of El Cajon, California drives traffic in the most stable and productive avenue in the advertising industry: Direct Mail Marketing, where documented results continue to beat the competition year after year.
Nevertheless, their prospective new business clients who are smart enough to reap the rewards of Direct Mail often use Social Media to search for vendors. So Mail Management Group (MMG) keeps their website, Facebook page, and LinkedIn fresh with blog posts and fresh copy to keep those clicks a-coming. They also use their own proven email marketing techniques to stay in touch with their clientele and promote repeat business.
And it works. They’ve been in business since 1988 and show no signs of slowing down. You can contact them via their website, by email at , or call them at 619-593-9121 to get on board with Direct Marketing. Their offices and print & mail shop are at 409 Vernon Way in El Cajon.